Safety-Critical Systems

Systems whose failure could result in loss of life, injury, or significant damage to the environment or property.

The Role of Functional Hazard Assessment in Avionics

In the meticulously engineered world of aviation, the safety of passengers and crew is paramount. A cornerstone of ensuring this safety within Avionics software and systems development lies [...]

Avionics Software Code for DO-178C Certification: Key Ingredients to Consider

Avionics Software Code for DO-178C Certification: Key Ingredients to Consider Cooking and avionics share similarities in their meticulous processes and attention to detail. Just like cooking a delicious [...]

Higher Standards: Best Avionics Software Quality Assurance Practices (Part 1)

Higher Standards: Best Avionics Software Quality Assurance Practices (Part 1) In the age of internet dating and unprecedented restaurant closures, you might need to occasionally lower some standards to [...]

2023-05-31T17:23:27-07:00September 1, 2021|DO-178C, Safety-Critical Systems|
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