Military Avionics Certification via DO-178B & DO-254

Defense organizations throughout the world are adopting DO-178B (Software) and DO-254 (Hardware). Why, and what are the implications? Read the white paper to find out how to establish the right Military Avionics certification program for your MIL-Aero projects. 

For decades, Military organizations have developed hardware and software using a variety of specialized, defense-oriented standards including 2167A, 498, and 882. As Military organizations, they were highly motivated to use hardware and software standards which differed from the commercial sector since it was perceived that military applications were “different”. Militaries utmost concern was primarily “Mission”.

However, in recent years, there has been an accelerating momentum toward the convergence of military and commercial avionics standards. This shift is driven by the recognition that leveraging commercial standards can enhance interoperability, reduce costs, and streamline development processes. As a result, military avionics are increasingly adopting DO-178B and DO-254 standards worldwide. These standards, originally developed for commercial aviation, ensure rigorous safety and reliability measures that are now deemed essential for military applications as well.

Today, advanced military aircraft, such as fighter jets (e.g., Joint Strike Fighter, T-50), cargo planes (e.g., C-130, C-17, A400M), and UAV/UASs, are requiring compliance with DO-178 and, increasingly, DO-254 standards. This convergence signifies a pivotal shift in military avionics certification, emphasizing the importance of harmonizing safety-critical software and hardware development practices across both military and commercial sectors.

This white paper explores the implications of this convergence, detailing the benefits, challenges, and future outlook of adopting DO-178B and DO-254 in military Avionics certification. It provides an in-depth analysis of how these standards are being integrated into military programs, the impact on certification processes, and the overall enhancement of mission readiness and safety.

Through this comprehensive examination, stakeholders will gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of military Avionics certification, understanding how adherence to these stringent standards is crucial for the development and deployment of reliable and effective military Avionics systems.

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DO-254 training General Atomics
Avionics Certification
DO-178C Verification
DO-178C Project Verification